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Is your character a Mary Sue? Do you know who (or what) Mary Sue is? In simple terms, a Mary Sue is a character who always has the answer, powers, know how, charm, and skills required to both save the day
win the main hero's (or heroine's) heart. In other words, they can be really good or really, REALLY annoying... So, is your TFC character a Mary Sue?
Well, let's find out! And be honest here folks. For every question you answer 'Yes' give yourself one point by clicking a check box and see how your character rates at the end of the test! Some of the questions are multi-parts, you still count a point for each part! Check all boxes for which your answer is 'yes'. The 'submit' button is at the bottom.
Section 0 Instant Mary Sue Offenses
(If your character falls into this category, stop now, trash that bio, and start over again)
Does your character have the same first name as a character already in the TFC storyline?
Does your character have the same last name as a character already in TFC?
Because that character is an immediate family member? (Parent, spouse, legal guardian, etc.)
None of the above
Section 1 - The Name Game
Does your character have the same first or last name as any character in Star Wars, including the EU? (Luke Skywalker, Leiga Organa, Han Solo, Mara Jade, Juno Eclipse, etc.)
Does your character have the same first or last name as any character in Star Trek, including Enterprise? (James Kirk, Jonathan Archer, Benjamin Sisko, Kathryn Janeway, etc.)
Was your character's name in any way, shape, or form lifted from another fandom? (The Godfather, Narnia, Lord of the Rings, DC/Marvel, Babylon 5, Stargate, etc.)
Does your character have the same first or last name that you have in real life?
Does your character have a really cool name that you wish you had?
Does your character have an alias?
Did you spend more than one day looking for a name?
Would you use your character's name for a child or pet in real life?
Is your character the same gender as you?
Does your character have wings that their sort of animal would not normally have? (A cat with wings, etc.)
In the real world, would the non-anthropomorphic version of your character's species/race be considered extinct or mythological? (Dragons, unicorns, dinosaurs, etc.)
Has your character been physically modified with technology? (Cyborgs, Borg in general, nanites, replacement limbs, etc.)
Is your character a hybrid of two or more species?
Is your character a hybrid of a Terran/Coruscanti-equivalent species and an obviously alien species?
None of the above
Is your character the age you would like to be?
Is your character incredibly beautiful or roguishly handsome?
Are characters from the main storyline supposed to find your character attractive?
Are characters from the main storyline supposed to feel threatened by your character's good looks?
Is your character attractive to both good guys and bad guys?
Does your character possess unusual hair, eye, or fur/feather/scale, etc. colors for no apparent reason? (If these traits are normal for your character's chosen species, disregard this question)
Will your character's unusual physical traits become a plot point later?
Does your character speak with an accent that they should not have? (A French character speaking with a British accent, etc.)
Is your character a young adult or his/her species' equivalent of a teenager/someone in their early 20s?
Does your character look like they are a teenager/in their early 20s for no apparent reason, when other members of their species/race who are the same age do not?
None of the above
For a magical reason? (Force powers and random encounters with alien technology count!)
For a reason which will become a plot point later?
Did the character have an unusual birth? (Babies with no parents who were conceived by the Force, etc.)
Is your character the son, daughter, wife, mother, brother, sister, cousin, aunt, uncle, or adopted pet of any existing character already in the main TFC storyline?
Is your character's family the ruling family of a planet, or otherwise hugely influential? (Royalty, admirals, Starfleet Command officers, galactic senators, moffs, etc.)
Does everyone instinctively like your character no matter what?
Do you get upset when other people or other people's characters don't like your character?
Did your character receive a formal education? (Homeschooling and private tutors count)
Did your character have to learn how to do their job on their own? (The bounty hunter who was never taught how to shoot, the shuttle pilot who learned quantum physics in their free time in order to become the next Chief Engineer, etc.)
Is your character the long-lost relative or long-lost personal connection of a character in the Star Trek/Star Wars/TFC main storyline? (Long-lost padawans count!)
Do you have a long-lost relation of some sort, regardless of whether or not you as a character are aware of this person?
Of a character who has already been approved and established in the TFC Expanded Universe?
None of the above
Is your character a part of a highly selective group or order which has little contact with others? (The Jedi Order, The Sith, the Dominion)
Is your character the only known survivor of that group?
None of the above
Is your character an orphan?
Is your character an orphan because your family was slaughtered by Romulans/Klingons/Borg/Stormtroopers/a hungry bantha?
None of the above
Is your character a member of a unique species or race which you came up with on your own?
Does the species/race which you created have its own vast empire/federation/collection of planets under its control?
Does your character come from a species/race that someone else at TFC created? (If you're using a species created by another member, please make sure you have their permission first.)
None of the above
Was your character born on Alderaan or Khitomer? Did they call Alderaan or Khitomer home? Was any member of their family born/raised/killed there?
If your character is from the Milky Way, would they be considered an Augment?
Is your character a joined Trill?
Is your character a Borg? (Ex-Borg, etc. count. Picard encounters count.)
Is your character Q?
Is your character from the mirror universe?
Is your character from the Milky Way Galaxy?
Is your character from the Far Galaxy? (Star Wars)
Is your character from a hitherto unknown galaxy or reality?
None of the above
If your character is a Force-sensitive who has any of these skills BECAUSE OF the Force, leave the box unchecked.
If your character is from the Milky Way, do they speak a language that is foreign to them without the aid of a Universal Translator? (A character whose native tongue is English, but knows Russian or Japanese, etc.)
Is your character a mad scientist or engineer of such a high level that they could give MacGuyver a run for his money?
Can your character kick more booty than Chuck Norris?
Is your character telepathic or telekinetic?
Is your character telepathic or telekinetic
being from (or hybrid of) a species that has those abilities naturally?
Is your character a brilliant tactician?
Can your character fly without the use of a ship or technology? (For example, if you have flight-capable wings)
Can your character speak telepathically to all of the creatures in the sea, thereby summoning them to aid your character in their fight against the Empire/the Sith/the Romulans/The Legion of Doom?
Is your character an incredibly skilled musician despite having no musical training of any kind?
Does your character know, understand, or enjoy things that you do not, but think that smart/skilled/certain types of people ought to? (For example: your character listens to classical music because you think that's what Starfleet captains ought to do, even though you've never listened to it)
Does your character have the same job and skills that you have or wish you had? (The character does what you wish you could do, or does what you do but better, etc.)
Does your character just know how to do everything, so that they've never had to learn how to do their job?
Can your character heal themselves without the aid of any kind of medical technology?
Can your character heal others with a touch or a thought?
Do animals (non-morphic) instinctively like your character?
Is your character a genius?
Did your character graduate in the top 10 percent of their class?
Was your character THE top person in their class?
None of the above
Does your character command their own Starfleet/Imperial/Rebel/etc. vessel?
Does your character command more than one military vessel?
Does your character's job require them to spy or pretend to be someone or something that they aren't? (Sec31 and other kinds of intelligence operatives count! So do characters who spy without being part of an official intelligence gathering group!)
Do you think that your Starfleet character should be stationed aboard the USS FELIX?
Do you think that your Imperial character should be stationed aboard Sher's flagship?
Is your character a civillian member of Starfleet?
Is your character a Starfleet officer?
Is your character an enlisted member of Starfleet?
(As in, a member of Starfleet who did not attend Starfleet Academy prior to joining up)
Was your character a civillian or an enlisted member of Starfleet, but suddenly became an officer when someone else died or was removed from their post?
Is your character a civillian member of the Imperial Navy, or any other Imperial armed force?
Is your character an officer of their Imperial armed force?
Is your character an enlisted member of their Imperial armed force? (A non-command track member of their branch of service)
Was your character a civillian or an enlisted member of the Imperial armed forces, but suddenly became an officer when someone else died or was removed from their post?
None of the above
Is your character a Force sensitive, even though at least one of your parents is a native of the Milky Way?
Is your character a Force sensitive from the Far Galaxy? (Star Wars)
Does your character have the potential to become a Force sensitive - family members, regardless of whether or not your character is aware, who are Force sensitives? A family history?
Are all members of your character's species born Force-sensitive?(Miraluka, vornskr, etc.)
Is your character as an individual immune to the Force - not just resisting mind tricks, but unable to be picked up and thrown against the wall by telekinesis?
Is your character's entire species immune to the Force, as described in the previous question? (Ysalamiri, etc.)
None of the above
Is your character a
Force-sensitive who carries or owns a lightsaber?
Is your character an
Force-sensitive who carries or owns a lightsaber?
Is your character a
non-Force sensitive
who carries or owns a lightsaber for some reason?
None of the above
Is your character a non-Klingon who owns or carries a Klingon weapon of any sort? (Bat'leth, etc.)
Is your character a non-Romulan who owns or carries a Romulan disruptor? (Vulcans aren't allowed to have these, either!)
Does your character own a weapon which is so illegal that being caught with it could end in imprisonment or death?
Does your character carry a personal weapon from
side of the Rift? (Personal weapons are of the "handgun" and "knife" variety - vibrodaggers, phasers, blasters, etc.)
Does your character carry a personal weapon from the side of the rift they aer not from? (Personal weapons are of the "handgun" and "knife" variety - vibrodaggers, phasers, blasters, etc.)
Could your character use any of their personal equipment to destroy a large starship?
Could your character use any of their personal equipment to destroy a moon, planet, or similar large body in space? (Death Stars, space stations, and other manmade objects count as "large space bodies"!)
Does your character's mode of transportation qualify as "one of a kind"?
Is your character's mode of transportation built out of old, junked Starfleet/Imperial/Rebel, etc. vessels?
Does your character's mode of transportation utilize cloaking technology?
And your character is a member of the Federation?
None of the above
Does your character's mode of transportation utilize a unique weapon? (Planet killing lasers and similar weaponry count!)
If your character's mode of transportation is from the Far Galaxy (Star Wars), does it use Milky Way technology excluding propulsion? (Transporters, replicators, holodecks, etc.)
If your character's mode of transportation is from the Far Galaxy (Star Wars), has it been modified to use a warp core or similar Milky Way technology?
If your character's mode of transportation is from the Milky Way Galaxy, does it utilize Star Wars technology excluding propulsion? (Cleaning droids, bacta tanks, etc.)
If your character's mode of transportation is from the Milky Way Galaxy, has it been modified to use a hyperdrive?
Is your character's mode of transportation a Death Star, Borg Cube, or otherwise qualified as a Deus ex Machina device?
If your character's career involves the use of a space transport of any kind, would they ever consider ordering or actually orderd the use of a space-capable vehicle as a ramming device?
Does your character currently hold, or were they ever assigned to a job for which they were not qualified? (A doctor assigned to supervise the gun crews of the Death Star, etc.)
Only due to a dire emergency?
None of the above
Was your character promoted more than one rank within their career's heirarchy within the same year? (For example: from Lieutenant, Junior Grade to Lieutenant to Lieutenant Commander within the same year)
Was your character ever promoted more than one rank at a time? (For example: moving from Lieutenant, Junior Grade to Lieutenant Commander)
) Was your character ever given a permanent promotion because of the sudden and unexpected death of the person who previously held the job? (For example: the captain died, and you were promoted from your position at the helm to replace him)
None of the above
Well, you got this far, now it's time to think about your score. Total possible points:
(assuming you clicked yes to every single question, and if you did, don't you dare waste our CPU by calculating this...)
So, ready to find out where you stand? The truth is just a click away...